
Effect of Pronoun meaning in Arabic to Indonesian

(Study Analysis on Meaning Pronoun in Arabic and Its Effect on Indonesian).

This research is based on many Indonesian people are wrong in translating Arabic texts, but Arabic is the language of Muslims and also the language of the Quran. 

Pronoun is part of the Arabic language are frequently used and often lead to the wrong meaning, so that research on Pronoun considered very important. 

The Problem Formulation in this research is the influence of the meaning and function Pronoun in Arabic against sentences in Indonesian, errors in the translation from Arabic to Indonesian, especially on the sentence contained Pronoun, the difficulties arising from differences between Arabic and Indonesian. This study aims to explore the science of Arabic namely in the context Grammar science (Nahwu) especially Pronoun chapter, determine the effect of meaning and function Pronoun in Arabic against sentences in Indonesian, generate solutions to overcome difficulties due to differences in both languages so that it can fix the errors in the translation of Arabic text. 

The method used in this study is a method of analysis - descriptive and through sources of literature with a qualitative approach. The results of this study stated that: First, Pronoun in Arabic influence on the meaning in Indonesian like emergence of meaning (di-oleh) in Indonesian, emergence of meaning (indeed) in Indonesian influence sya'an pronoun, Pronoun has some special rules, and these rules affect the meaning or intent when translated into Indonesian, another meaning of Letter ها (Ha) and ك (KAF). Second, Both difficulties posed by differences in the two languages is appropriate to determine the meaning of a sentence contained Pronoun, determine which types Pronoun word similar but differ in terms of meaning and function in a sentence, determine the place back Pronoun (references). Third, to minimize the difficulties of translation Pronoun we must understand the comparison between Pronoun in Arabic and Pronomina in Indonesian, both in terms of similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages.

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